Thursday, November 20, 2008

From my bookshelf

Lethargy has been the rule of the day for the past couple of weeks as Aaron and I took turns coming down with different bouts of fever and colds. I suppose that in marriage, everything wonderful is shared... including the magical, and not-so-magical parts of life! ;)

This past week, if I weren't doing some work around our home, I was animatedly talking for hours on the phone with my girlfriends, miserably pegging away at thousands of product codes listed on a spreadsheet, or curled up reading a good book.

Reading. Ah, it is my new recently-revived, long-neglected hobby.

Books on relationships have always interested me. After reading Gretchen's review on Dr. Laura's The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, I decided to purchase the book for my own perusal. I loved it, and have had no regrets reading it!

I present you my list of other must-reads for all married couples.
  1. His Needs, Her Needs by William F. Harley Jr.
  2. Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs
  3. Romancing Your Husband and Romancing Your Wife by Debra and Daniel Smith
  4. The Five Love Languages for Couples by Gary Chapman

1 comment:

Anna @ Feminine Adventures said...

Sorry to hear you've not been feeling good for such a long time! The baby's got a cold now, so I suppose it will be my turn before too long. ;) Thanks for the book recommendations...I am not a big Dr. Laura fan, but think I might have to pick me up a copy. :)