Earlier this summer, a perfect opportunity presented itself for me to make what I've been wanting to try my hand at for awhile - a diaper cake!
Diaper-cakes have always fascinated me, from the very first time I laid my eyes on them. They are so unique at baby showers, and which mom-to-be wouldn't love having her nursery stocked with diapers? ;)
I found this tutorial on youtube particularly helpful, but I am sure there are many other similar tutorials you can find online. The nicest thing about a creative project like this is that you don't have to use exactly the same supplies someone else tells you to. For instance, this tutorial suggested using an empty milk bottle in the core of the cake, but I used a bottle of sparkling juice and a plastic bib (to extend the height of the cake) instead. So long you have the basic concept about tying individual diapers in rubber bands and surrounding the core of the cake with them, your options are limited only by your creativity.
Basic supplies I used:
3 packs of diapers (in Size 1 and 2)
Cardboard for base of cake
1 bottle of sparkling juice
1 plastic bib
Large Rubber bands
Hair rubber bands around each diaper (so the mom can re-use them later!)
I decorated the cake with:
3 rolls of ribbon
hair bows
3 stuffed animals
1 rattle
bath supplies (travel size)
2 onesies
2 pacifiers
foam stickers
My cake turned out taller than I'd initially anticipated, because I purchased more diapers than I thought I would need. Better too many than too few, right? ;)

Seeing my cousin's face light up in a smile when my husband brought it in. :)
~ Mrs. Arcfide
WOW. You could probably make and sell these. I love it! :)
It turned out fabulous! I love it!
And who knows.... maybe they would sell well?
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