Weddings occur in one day. Marriage is for life. It's hard to believe that Aaron and I today celebrate the "First 100 Days" milestone of our lives together.
"Just a hundred days?", you may ask. Though we still qualify as newlyweds, some mornings when I wake up beside him, it feels as if we have been married for longer.
Divorce statistics among Christian adults (the highest among faith groups), are high enough to cloud even the Most Hopeless Romantic's view of marriage with cynicism. Marriage counselors advise couples to be prepared for a transition period that includes disagreements, misunderstanding, and disappointed expectations.
Some couples psych themselves by reading dozens of marriage preparation books (this is not to say I discourage them - I've read dozens myself!) that touts compromise as the key to mutual happiness. Others delay matrimony until they are ready (whatever that means), and still others decide to remain single for life because divorce is too painful or troublesome.
The downside to these views is that many couples end up unhappy with their compromises when they each settle for less-than-their-ideal. There exists no point in life where a person will ever financially or spiritually "arrive," thus becoming marriage-ready. What better lessons in learning and living are there to learn than the ones we gain from real-life experiences? God grants wisdom to those who unwaveringly ask! By the time many young adults meet society's expectation to complete college, find a stable job, and then marry, they are not-so-young adults anymore. Hundreds are tempted to sin and commit fornication simply because they were ready for marriage long before our society said they were.
Have I for one moment regretted marrying? Not one bit.
Am I sorry I "married young"? Not at all.
I love the thought that my husband and I, in our early twenties, are able to begin our family.
I love hearing him whisper that I am his. I love sneaking up behind him with hug attacks and kisses. I love how he calls to ask how my day is going. I love ironing his clothes. I love how he understands my thoughts even as they tumble out disjointed. I love gliding my hands over his back in massage. I love how he commands me to "Relax," as he slow dances me around our Study - and how we laugh when he notices we had been dancing to the Funeral Eulogy. I love memorizing scriptures with him. And all the melodramatic, tortured sounds we make as we review our monthly budget together.
I love the Love and Respect we share.
Oh. And our predisposal for stopping in the kitchen to renew our wedding vows.
~ Mrs. Arcfide
What would you think if I had this put on YLCF?
Sure, if you think it's any good. :)
Thanks for another great post Johanna-- I'm always excited when I see you've posted update. This one was especially sweet!
Happy 100th Day Anniversary. :)
Hi! I randomly came across your blog through YLCF! I just wanted to let you know that this post is so encouraging for Christian couples who are marrying young. I am marrying my man this July 2009, and I can't wait! We are both still in college (both getting teaching degrees) and we've encountered some hostility from our family and friends about marrying young. I've definitely heard the "wait until you're financially secure" "wait until you're out of college" thing A LOT. So, basically, thanks for the encouragement!
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