Whenever Aaron and I talk about having more children someday, the option of adoption would invariably come up. And why not? Almost a dozen of our cousins in his family were adopted, and it is not as shocking a proposition as it might seem.
For someone with my background, it is a huge thing to change my mind about. After all, my parents don't "believe" that adoption is Biblical. I remember asking my dad about it, and being less than satisfied with his response. I am not about to go into that over here, but since I never sought another view on the matter, I adopted (haha) Aaron's opinion about adoption when I married him. Basically, Aaron told me that if adoption were not Biblical, Jesus wouldn't have had Joseph as his earthly father, would he? And since adoption, by definition, makes a child your very own . . . that pretty much refuted the reasons I bought into as a kid.
Compassion. Love. Generosity. Rescue. Trust.These emotions, and so many more come to mind when I ponder the idea of bringing home an orphaned, or abandoned child. I experienced them all again tonight, as I saw a video and read about the rescue efforts of
Drawn from Water, a ministry in Africa that rescues children who were deemed cursed and sentenced to death by their very own families and tribes.
Having a nine-month old baby myself, I cannot fathom how people could determine that a baby is cursed/dirty/unclean simply because his top teeth came in before his bottom teeth. The faces of kids who were abandoned by their families made the tragedy of such superstition more real, and me just want to reach out to help.
And some day, in our future, I believe we will be able to.
Because we want to.
Mrs. Arcfide